Sunday, May 23, 2010

You can't...

As a disclaimer I want it to be known that this is a post of empowerment. I do not mean to belittle you or make you feel shitty about life.

Language NSFW, part of the story only

You are entitled to nothing. You deserve nothing. Nothing. As an Ohio State University student I am weary of seeing people who claim to be my peers. I am embarrassed by what I see around me. So I have a story.

I was walking on my way to work (I am currently a proud employee of Subway... seeking a new job haha). I noticed a nice little blue car parked strangely. There was a male parking enforcement officer standing near the vehicle. He was telling the girl parking in the center of the road (it was a dead end road) that she could not stop her vehicle here to get in her trunk. She laughed at him and said "it will just be a moment." He explained to her that she was not in a valid place to park and he would have to ticket her. She proceeded to get out and begin looking through her trunk. Not grab her purse real quick. She might as well have been building a marsh-mellow/tooth pick model of ancient Rome she was taking so long. The entire time he is writing her a ticket. Honestly, it was probably like 30$.

MyChem (her boyfriend I assume, who looked like he belonged in My Chemical Romance) proceeds to get out of the car... and scream his head off. It went something like this. "YOU CAN'T TICKET US. YOU MOTHER FUCKING COCK SUCKER. YOU GOD DAMN BASTARD SON OF A BITCH. I MAKE TWICE AS MUCH AS YOU FUCKFACE. YOU ASS FUCKING SON OF A WHORE." I really wish I was making that up or exaggerating. He claimed that the man had no right to do his job. And that the ticket better get dropped. He was up in the PEO's face. He yelled and stomped around for at least 15 minutes. The girlfriend tries to calm him down, but then screams herself that she has a "right to know your name." No you don't. You have a right to file with the city of Columbus, who that officer represents, but not to attack this man personally for doing his job.

This fight left me so mad I was almost late to work. My assistant manager had watched the whole thing. "This is why I don't go to Ohio State. It fucks with y'alls heads. You all think you are entitled to something."

Embarrassment. That's what I felt. Embarrassed to be a part of the Ohio State University. Embarrassed to associate myself with these drunk punks who live of ma and pa's hard earned money.

I'll continue to hate on my peers in the future. But here is my point. You are entitled to nothing. You deserve nothing. You must earn and make your own way through the world. That man had every right to do his job, and there is no one "special" enough to just get a free pass on parking illegally in the middle of the street. He was doing his job. Just because daddy bought you a nice car to drive around your disrespectful punk-ass boyfriend doesn't mean that you get to break the law. He was doing his job.

I would also like to point out that this man deserves a medal. So I dedicate this post to all Parking Enforcement Officers around the world. This man had the composure and self control of a God. (Not like Kratos though, that man's insane.) He just did his job, shook his head in sadness, and walked back to his vehicle. I commend men like this. What is his job? To fine people who are either stupid or make a mistake. It's kind of a silly job. But it's men and woman like him, with their incredible resolve and dedication, that make the world REALLY go around. Not MyChem and his "twice as much as you" job. Anyone that loud, rude, and disrespectful deserves their own circle in the Inferno.

Thanks for reading. Sorry I'm so upset but this had me boiling. Next time you're upset at the person who messed up your Wendy's burger, gave you a parking ticket, or couldn't answer your question at Best Buy, make sure to go easy on them. They have a job to do, and I'm sure they're trying their best. You never know how far your kindness and understanding may go, or how you'll feel when you mess up.

"Be kind to everyone you meet. They are fighting a battle you know nothing about."

P.S. A female friend was sitting in the passenger seat the entire time. She looked mortified.

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